Use these ideas and tips to encourage sharing, team building, and deepening relationships.
Icebreaker ideas – ask everyone to share or introduce:
1. Share – favorite coffee mug
2. Share – what have you learned about yourself this week
3. Share - what have you learned about your family this week
4. Share – how did you meet your spouse
5. Share – favorite photo
6. Share – favorite recipe
7. Share – favorite TV show/what are you binge watching?
8. Share – where you went to college
9. Share – hometown
10. Share – siblings or only child
11. Share shoe shots – guess whose shot is whose
12. Share – what is your favorite childhood memory
13. Share – favorite cocktail?
14. Share -favorite movie
15. Share – what was your first job?
16. Share – which superhero would you be for a day?
17. Share – what is your hidden talent?
18. Share – when did you get the best customer service
19. Share – what is the best compliment you have gotten from a customer?
20. Share – favorite musician
21. Share – dream vacation
22. Share – have everyone take a picture from their window and have the group guess whose picture it is
23. Share – favorite piece of art
24. Share – which item on your desk would you take with you if stranded on a deserted island?
25. Intro to your pet
26. Intro to your kids
27. Intro to your spouse
28. Book club – have everyone read the same book and discuss (extra points if you let a team member pick the book!)
Themes – create a meeting theme that all can participate in:
29. Bed head day
30. Favorite sports team day
31. Most outrageous PJs
32. Virtual Happy Hour
33. MTV Cribs – have team members give a “virtual” tour of their crib
34. Have a pizza delivered to each attendee and have a “pizza party”
35. Caribbean theme – play music, decorate, favorite drink
General tips:
36. Make up your own hand signals
37. Assign roles – facilitator, referee, timekeeper, scribe, coach
38. High 5’s – set aside time for team members to recognize each other
39. Instead of the facilitator calling on the next person, have the person talking pass to the next person
40. Leave time at the end to wind down with personal conversation
41. Have a new person ask the team a “Question of the week”
42. Set up “virtual” co-working times
43. Send a care package with a specific item that can be discusses
44. No smiling – tell the group to try not to smile for 60 seconds…tell jobs and see who laughs first
45. Pair people up (could do 2 or 3) to break off and work and come back and share with the group
Games/Contests – tap into the competitive spirit (most share ideas could be mini contests!)
46. Run contests with prizes delivered
47. Contest – company trivia
48. Contest – Customer trivia
49. Contest – Competitor trivia
50. Play Never have I ever
51. Contest – most creative backdrop
52. Play two truths and a lie
53. Play “remote work” bingo
Newest tips that I am stealing blindly from what I have others do:
54. Contest - Guess the baby. Have your team send their baby pictures in, past them on the screen, have a contest to see who can guess who is who!